Whole Person Care Collaborative Learning Community Kickoff a success
The Whole Person Care Collaborative (WPCC) Learning Community met for their inaugural event on Saturday, March 24 -- a Kickoff hosted by NCACH! Facilitated by leaders in health systems innovation, The Centre for Collaboration, Motivation and Inspiration (CCMI) and CSI Solutions, over 100 representatives from 17 different healthcare organizations convened to identify shared goals and help design learning activities that will meet their needs as they work on practice transformation. The Whole Person Care Collaborative Learning Community is comprised of local outpatient primary care and behavioral health providers who serve Medicaid beneficiaries across the North Central Region (Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan Counties.) The WPCC Learning Community works with NCACH to implement clinical health improvement efforts that support the objectives of NCACH's six selected projects under the Medicaid Transformation.
The WPCC Learning Community came together to identify needs and challenges unique to their own organizations, and to propose shared learning activities to help strengthen the Community as a whole. Moving forward from the Kickoff, all of the provider teams will participate in collective learning and have committed to learning and sharing resources together to help each achieve their practice transformation goals.
Prior to the meeting, Learning Community members were asked to create Storyboards highlighting their organizations. With a template and tri-fold, our Learning Community partners really helped their organizations and impacts shine!
Click here to see all of the Learning Community Provider Team Storyboards.After spending the morning brainstorming, participants began the afternoon with a panel of local leaders in health to speak about the future of healthcare and practice transformation efforts.
After listening to panelists, the group returned to breakout sessions to determine and shape the next steps for the Learning Community. Moving forward, the Learning Community will begin participating in regular learning activities and developing their practice transformation change plans as members of the North Central Accountable Community of Health.
Overall, the event was a huge success, and an important milestone for the Whole Person Care Collaborative Learning Community. We want to thank everyone who joined us on Saturday, March 24, and for your willingness to commit to building a healthier region, together. A special thank you to our conference facilitators and speakers:Centre for Collaboration, Motivation, and Innovation (CCMI)CSI SolutionsUniversity of Washington - AIMs Centerand, most importantly, to our WPCC Learning Community.
As our Executive Director, Linda Evans Parlette, says, "CHARGE ON!"
(All photos by North Central Accountable Community of Health ©2018. All rights reserved.)