Our Blog
Thriving Together NCW is building a healthier region together.
Not one individual or organization alone can solve the complex health issues in our region which is why we work with a network of partners toward one universal goal: All people and places in North Central Washington thriving together - no exceptions.
YOU can be part our "Evolving the Behavioral Health System" workgroup this February-June
How would you like the behavioral health system throughout North Central Washington to function? Be part of the “Evolving the Behavioral Health System” workgroup that North Central Accountable Community of Health is hosting during February-June of 2022.
NCACH releases a Request for Proposals for telehealth infrastructure and access planning in North Central Washington
The North Central Accountable Community of Health (NCACH) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP), seeking vendors to provide a comprehensive plan for telehealth infrastructure and access in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan Counties.