Practice Transformation and tennis balls in the WPCC Learning Community?
In July and August, NCACH offered two in-person skills-based workshops for members of our Whole Person Care Collaborative (WPCC) Learning Community; Introduction to Quality Improvement (QI) and Foundations of Motivational Interviewing (MI).The QI workshop allowed participants to learn how to apply the evidence-based Model for Improvement to test, implement and sustain change.
In the MI workshop, participants learned tactics to enhance collaboration around health and behavioral issues, strategies to listen to the meaning beneath words, and ways to engage clients or patients and caregivers in a dialogue about information important to their health and well‐being.
Mid-Valley Clinic registered their team for both of these workshops, with staff representing nursing, admitting, IT, population health and care coordination roles. Clinic Manager, Becky Corson, noted that having representation from the whole team helped them see quality improvement and implementation of the changes needed from different perspectives, and to see where roadblocks may be in the process. Asked why organizations might want to attend these workshops, Becky noted “Often you can think you already have training in an area and bypass the opportunity, but our group has learned that the skills-based workshops were geared to patient delivery in the new paradigm of value based, quality, and patient-centric care.”
We so appreciate our master trainers from CCMI and CSI Solutions - feedback from these workshops has been very positive. (You know things went well when you hear that participants left the workshop hugging the trainers!)
We are repeating these workshops for WPCC Learning Community members this month and in October. We’ve also received several inquiries from non-clinical partners who expressed interest in the motivational interviewing training. If you’re interested, let us know – we are open to hosting one of these workshops with our fabulous trainers for social service providers in our community! To learn more about the Whole Person Care Collaborative Learning Community, please visit: